Our Services



Wondering how to expand who you work with but unsure how? Do you have a student/client who has adaptive needs but you aren’t sure how to provide an authentic art experience? You are not alone.

With individual consultations we will work with you and your unique situation. Consultations are tailored to meet you and your student(s)/client(s) needs. We will work with you to develop new procedures, supports, guides, and language so that you are able to provide an authentic and expressive art experience.

Professional Development


Are you an educator or professor or organization looking for learning opportunities for your students or employees? We would love to support you in your endeavors through professional development opportunities.

Each professional development experience is created to meet the needs of your group. We will provide lecture content, hand-ons experientials, concrete resources, and take aways. Contact us to discuss how we can support the growth of your team.

Professional Speaking


Are you hosting a conference or special event in the art, education, therapist, or adaptive needs world? Consider providing a lecture experience that will widen your audiences’ idea of what making art looks like and how we engage all people in making art. Every lecture will be a learning experience and a chance for your audience to expand their thoughts around inclusion in the art world.

Talk with us today about how we can provide an invaluable lecture experience for your attendees. We will work with you to provide a dynamic and engaging session that fits with your communities needs.



We provide individual and group supervision to both students and professionals. Whether you are looking for hours towards licensure, needing support at an internship site, or a professional wanting to expand their practice, supervision is an excellent way to continue learning and challenge you thinking. Both Natascha and Christina can provide supervision for those seeking their ATR, ATR-BC.

Supervision differs from consultations, as supervision is more specific to you as a practitioner in your field and is on a more consistent basis than consultations. Schedule a free consultation to discuss your supervision needs and click below to check for group opportunities.